Thursday, April 12, 2012

At The Feet Of Jesus

           Constantly my Heavenly Father is always being faithful to me, He is so good. Even when I really feel like I messed up, or when im totally faithless, the sinner that I am, He still loves me with a faithful, steadfast love. I am so grateful that He keeps me, I don't know where I would would be if He didn't hold me in His hand. It amazes me that He wants us in our brokenness, in those times for me its so apparent that I need Christ, who am I without Him? I am past Nothing, He is my righteousness, my advocate. That's always amazing to me, but I find alot of times its in my brokenness, my weaknesses that I can see that more clearly, with my own self righteousness out of the picture I just see Christ.
        This morning in my devotional Charles Spurgeon says this,"Deep love of Jesus.... Lift up my earth bound soul, and float it right up to my Lord's feet, and there let me lie, a poor broken shell, washed up by His love, having no virtue or value; and only venturing to whisper to Him that if He will put His ear to me, He will hear within my heart faint echoes of vast waves of His own love which have brought me where it is my delight to lie even at His feet forever."  Beautiful this is! oh to lie at my Lord's feet. The nail pierced feet. I always hear "Cast your burdens at the feet of Jesus." But 99% of the time I am my own burdens, must I cast myself at the feet of Jesus? Yes, and with gladness I do. How unworthy an I to lie at the Kings feet, yet because of those nail pierced feet I can.
                                                 With Love,

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